4/20 Macro at Home

Now that we are stuck at home, I have been experimenting with new things to keep myself occupied just like everyone else. On the photography side this has consisted of dabbling in macro photography. I started off with some familiar subjects, the flowers around the house.

As I continued to experiment, I started adding some flash to help bring out the details, and improving the compositions. I can’t say I know what any of these plants are, but I have enjoyed the color they provide around the yard.

I also spent some of the nicer days out looking for bugs more active things to photograph. These turned out to be the most fascinating subjects. It is pretty incredible to see the intricate details of these animals up close. I was able to capture some moments with various things, including this back yard spider (click to view it) .

Macro photography has turned out to be a very challenging, but also very rewarding pursuit. Hopefully you all enjoy them as well.

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