4/11/20 Callahan

It wasn’t too long before another good day came around and got me motivated to get out and spend some time outside again. This time, I decided that I should probably avoid the relative crowds of the sourthern part of Callahan State Park, and instead headed for the north section.

That half of the park did turn out to be quieter, but still much busier than it would normally be. In the end I managed to keep to myself pretty well. I spent a few hours wandering around, listening to podcasts, and taking pictures. I got another pretty cool photo of a spider (click to view) , as well as one of a wasp that I was particularly proud of.

Spring is definitely close, and various plants are starting to peek out. I am looking forward to the time when things really open up. Until then I’ll just have to be happy with the green on brown palette.

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