8/21/20 Sudbury Reservoir

After all of the fun I have had with sunset photos recently, I’ve been keeping an eye out for the ideal cloud conditions for that great color. When a promising evening presented itself I hopped in the car and headed over to the Sudbury Reservoir to find a good view. I walked along the path at the water’s edge where there are a number of really pretty spots like this one:

I passed a number of the sunset views that I have used in the past in search of something a little different. In the end, I never found anything quite as good as what I had used before, so I ended up having to wade out into the water a bit to get an unobstructed view.

Once the colors started to fade I hiked back to the car along the larger path. It may not have been the most photographically productive walk, but it was a beautiful and relaxing evening.

Below I have a couple other photos I took on the walk, as well as a few from some other trips around town around this time.

8/8/20 Mere Point

A quick post today, just a few flowers from around Mere Point. The big highlight here is this hummingbird moth. I haven’t seen these before, and they are pretty cool. They look and sound like a hummingbird, but aren’t actually birds. Just like hummingbirds they are incredibly hard to photograph in flight, so I have to apologize for the blur.

8/9/20 Jewell Island

We made the trip out to Jewell island again this summer, but this time with the rest of the family. We spent quite a while relaxing at the punch bowl. My niece and nephew had a blast playing in the shallow water, and I poked around looking for some of the interesting sights, including this pink snail.

I have no idea what made it so pink. It looked completely unlike the rest of the snails I saw. I also made my way out to the rocks on the edge of the punch bowl, where I found more interesting color. This time it was a combination of red oxidized rock, little blue mussles and yellow barnacles.

We also walked to the other end of the island to check out the WWII era fortifications, including the tower. The kids had a great time checking out the view, but they were much less interesting in exploring the old battery. A few of us stayed back to spend some time there while the rest returned to the boat for lunch. Though they aren’t huge, there is quite a bit to see in the dark tunnels, assuming you bring a light.

7/24/20 Backyard Candles

Just a few pictures of candles for today. We had the pleasure of getting together with some neighbors for an outdoor socially distanced dinner back in July. It was really good to spend time with friends, so we ended up staying until well after dark. They set up an assortment of candles to light things up for us, and I did my best to capture it.

7/5/20 Garden in the Woods

2020 has been a strange year in so many ways. So many of my favorite activities have been curtailed. Naturally I was excited to get to return to Garden in the Woods for the first time this year. Though I missed most of the spring flowers, there were still plenty of things to take in and we spent over an hour walking the trails. As usually, there were plenty of things to see, from snakes to insects, to the beautiful trails.

After leaving the garden and taking off our masks, we hopped on our bikes and headed home. It was almost like a normal summer weekend.

6/28/20 Seals and Flowers

Starting at the end of our stay in Maine we had access to the motor boat, and thus were more easily able to get out on the water. One of the most common sights are the harbor seals relaxing on the rocks. On this trip though there were some seal pups hanging out on the rocks as well. They perked up and watched us carefully as we floated by.

Not long after that it was back home to reality. Though it was a bummer not to be on the water any more we did appreciate being home. The clematis flowers in our front yard were quite the treat as we arrived. The color and texture of the flowers was simply amazing.

Mere Point Sunsets – Week 3 – 6/19/20

Well, here we are on the third and final set of sunset photos from our summer trip to Mere Point. The first photo is from an evening we spent at the end of the point with some family, a rare treat this summer. As you can see, the horizon had some thick clouds, but we were still treated to some excellent color, and the ocean delivered some great foreground scenery as well.

After that evening, the weather finally decided to mess with my routine. We ran into a string of dreary days that left us inside more often. I got some chances to get out and take some photos, but none of them would really be called a “sunset”.

Once the weather started to clear up though, it really came through with a couple of incredible evenings. This first evening came after a full day of thick fog. Most of the islands were completely invisible. Just before sunset it cleared up though, and I had the end of the point all to myself. I quite liked this view of the kayakers returning from their foggy paddle. Shortly after this was taken they called me over to confirm where they were, as apparently the fog had confused them. Fortunately, they had navigated correctly and were headed for the boat ramp just a few minutes paddle away.

The next day unfolded along similar lines, though it didn’t look as promising. The fog was just starting to clear as the sun was going down, so I decided to get out for a short boat ride. Fortunately I grabbed the camera, because I ended up floating into the middle of the sunset itself. The thin clouds and fog were all around me lighting up everything in vivid pinks, oranges, and yellows. Up above, the blue sky was showing through. The sun lit up the clouds all around me in amazing ways. I had a ton of fun taking the photos, at least until my camera battery died.

I’ve thrown a few more shots in here as well. All of these were at least taken around sunset, though some are not quite on theme. Still, I thought they were worth sharing.