8/8/20 Mere Point

A quick post today, just a few flowers from around Mere Point. The big highlight here is this hummingbird moth. I haven’t seen these before, and they are pretty cool. They look and sound like a hummingbird, but aren’t actually birds. Just like hummingbirds they are incredibly hard to photograph in flight, so I have to apologize for the blur.

7/5/20 Garden in the Woods

2020 has been a strange year in so many ways. So many of my favorite activities have been curtailed. Naturally I was excited to get to return to Garden in the Woods for the first time this year. Though I missed most of the spring flowers, there were still plenty of things to take in and we spent over an hour walking the trails. As usually, there were plenty of things to see, from snakes to insects, to the beautiful trails.

After leaving the garden and taking off our masks, we hopped on our bikes and headed home. It was almost like a normal summer weekend.

6/28/20 Seals and Flowers

Starting at the end of our stay in Maine we had access to the motor boat, and thus were more easily able to get out on the water. One of the most common sights are the harbor seals relaxing on the rocks. On this trip though there were some seal pups hanging out on the rocks as well. They perked up and watched us carefully as we floated by.

Not long after that it was back home to reality. Though it was a bummer not to be on the water any more we did appreciate being home. The clematis flowers in our front yard were quite the treat as we arrived. The color and texture of the flowers was simply amazing.

6/20/20 Mere Point

We took a number of walks while we were up in Maine. One of the highlights of these walks were the flowers that people have planted in their yards. The lupine was particularly beautiful with various colors on display. My favorite were these red and pink ones that were lit up by the setting sun.

I have included a few more shots of other flowers below, along with one very excited puppy out for a walk as well.

6/4/20 Mere Point

We were fortunate a couple weeks ago to be able to pack up all of our stuff, including our office setups, and travel up to Maine for a change of scenery. We have been working from our temporary home for a while now, and are enjoying the variety of outdoor fun that can be had here.

To start things off I have a collection of photos from around Mere Point taken on our walks. With the late spring flowers blooming, tide pools teeming with life, and a beautiful sunset there was no shortage of subjects.

6/1/20 Iris

Today I have another quick one, some pictures of a bearded iris from our yard. This was a nice surprise given that we didn’t plant this, and it usually just looks like a bunch of plain green leaves. Recently though the one bud opened up to reveal this beauty. It also appears to be home to this little spider (click to view) , who was nice enough to pose for a picture.

5/27/20 Nobscot Reservation

Another quick set of photos for today, this time from Nobscot Reservation. I was biking through the woods there recently when I saw that a stream I had visited a month earlier had changed quite a bit with the ferns now out in full force and the leaves on the trees. I decided to come back and grab a couple of photos. I’m also throwing in one shot of the irises in our back yard as a bonus!

Random May 2020 Photos

Today I have a bit of an eclectic mix of photos that I took during the month of May which I felt were worth sharing, but which didn’t feel like they stood alone.

Up first, we have some photos of a birthday flower arrangement that my wife put together. She always enjoys this kind of thing, and I thought these came out great.

Next, we have a collection of odds and ends. Everything from some pictures of a backyard fire and the stars, to a couple photos from a recent kayaking trip, and a sunset shot of the Foss Reservoir Dam. Enjoy!

5/8/20 Flowers and Ants

Today I have a simple collection of photos to share, even if it is an unusual combination. Up first we have a special request from my nephew, some pictures of some ants from our yard. Then to round it out, some photos of the flowers we have seen around the neighborhood on our walks. As you can see, our neighbors’ yards and gardens are really starting to shine. I just wish our grass would keep up.

5/1/20 Neighborhood Flowers

Spring has definitely arrived and our walks around the neighborhood have become more and more colorful. A pair of robins were also hard at work building a nest behind the house. As usual, I’ve been doing my best to capture it all here.