The morning of the 18th of April featured a bit of a surprise this year: A coat of snow on the ground. It was particularly strange given how little snow we had during the actual winter. Of course given all of the hints of spring we had been seeing, it made for some interesting pictures that I really wanted to capture.
In addition to the snow pictures I also had another chance to work on my macro photography skills when we found a stinkbug hanging out on a chair. He or she was nice enough to model for a few photos before we released it back outside.
It wasn’t too long before another good day came around and got me motivated to get out and spend some time outside again. This time, I decided that I should probably avoid the relative crowds of the sourthern part of Callahan State Park, and instead headed for the north section.
That half of the park did turn out to be quieter, but still much busier than it would normally be. In the end I managed to keep to myself pretty well. I spent a few hours wandering around, listening to podcasts, and taking pictures. I got another pretty cool photo of a
spider (click to view)
, as well as one of a wasp that I was particularly proud of.
Spring is definitely close, and various plants are starting to peek out. I am looking forward to the time when things really open up. Until then I’ll just have to be happy with the green on brown palette.
Given all the time spent at home lately, I jumped on an opportunity to take advantage of some good weather and go for a long walk in Callahan State Park. Its always nice to visit a familiar place like that and just wander around wherever you feel like it. It certainly seemed busier than I would have otherwise expected, but in the end it was still a nice quiet walk. Only a few photos this time, but more are on the way.
Now that we are stuck at home, I have been experimenting with new things to keep myself occupied just like everyone else. On the photography side this has consisted of dabbling in macro photography. I started off with some familiar subjects, the flowers around the house.
As I continued to experiment, I started adding some flash to help bring out the details, and improving the compositions. I can’t say I know what any of these plants are, but I have enjoyed the color they provide around the yard.
I also spent some of the nicer days out looking for bugs more active things to photograph. These turned out to be the most fascinating subjects. It is pretty incredible to see the intricate details of these animals up close. I was able to capture some moments with various things, including this back yard spider (click to view it).
Macro photography has turned out to be a very challenging, but also very rewarding pursuit. Hopefully you all enjoy them as well.
A couple weeks ago I decided to get out and go for a little photo hike nearby. After driving by Wachusett Reservoir a couple of times recently, I have been thinking that it would be a good spot to watch the sun set, so I decided to give it a go.
I actually started off with a stop at the Sudbury Reservoir and Southborough Rural Cemetery on my way out there. The cemetery was pretty and well maintained, but didn’t provide a lot of excitement. On the other hand, the strange ice formations all around the edges of the reservoir were fascinating. I probably looked quite strange kneeling at the edge of a lake taking pictures of these things, but I think it was worth it.
Once at Wachusett Reservoir, I spent some time exploring the dam and the surrounding trails. The spillway was particularly scenic, cut right out of the natural rock. Though a nice spot, the dam did not seem like the best location to watch the sunset, so I continued down the shore to Sawer Bluff.
This turned out to be just the kind of spot I was hoping for. I spent quite a bit of time at the little beach at the end of the point watching the sun sink below the horizon, lighting up all of the frozen waves, sand, and rocks on the shore.
A couple weeks ago I made plans to meet up with some friends for some geocaching near the Medfield State Hospital. I had been here before and knew it was a great spot for some photos, so I showed up early and spent some time poking around. This former psychiatric hospital has a somewhat creepy backstory, and the decaying buildings only add to that vibe. Hopefully it shows through in the photographs. After having fun with the photos we had a very nice hike, complete with two excellent geocaches.
In addition to all of the photos I have been taking and posting here from our various adventures, I also have a number of one off photos I have taken while home, or out and about. Given that I have (finally!) finished uploading all of my photos from 2019, I figured now would be a good time to share some of the highlights from the photos that I have not yet shared.
First up are a number of flower photos from bouquets and gardens we have been to. There are also a couple of nature shots that did not make it into other posts, and one majestic cat.
In addition, there were many, many photos of Rose, our pet hedgehog. I have included a couple of my favorites here. Happy new years!
As I go to Garden in the Woods more and more, I feel like so many of the sights feel familiar and repetitive. On the other hand, I always find new things to see and new perspectives on those familiar spots. It really makes taking pictures here a unique but rewarding challenge, and this weekend was no exception.
After a busy Saturday hanging out with our nice and nephew, I decided that Sunday would be a good day for a quiet change of pace. So, I went to Garden in the Woods again. For this visit the plants had changed yet again, and the turtles and frogs were out in force sunning themselves. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the weather.
We had a bit of an adventure this weekend when we joined some friends and their kids at Davis Farmland. We knew nothing about it going in, but apparently it is local establishment for kids, allowing them to interact with a number of animals and have a good time in general. We had a great time watching all the kids get so excited about all of the things to see, and I had a great time photographing them and the animals. To top it all off, the weather was beautiful.