8/3/19 Mt. Bond Backpacking Trip

I have been itching to get out and get into the wilderness a bit, so when the opportunity arose I took it even though no one else was interested. I decided to hike up Mt. Bond in the white mountains. I set out in the morning on Saturday and ended up on the trail before 10. The first few miles were quite easy, and even a little boring. However once the trail started heading up the mountain I was really feeling my lack of recent hiking. I quickly got very tired and was really feeling the weight of my pack. I pushed through it and made it out onto the ridge below Bondcliff. I slowly made my way along the ridge with many photo breaks and eventually made it to Mt. Bond and then the Guyot Campsite.

The site was packed with hikers. Clearly I was not the only one who thought it was a good weekend to get outdoors. Fortunately there was still space in the lean-to, so I unloaded much of my gear and made dinner. Afterwards I hiked up to the summit of West Bond to watch the sunset. Once again, this turned out to be a popular choice and I was joined by many others staying at the campsite. Unfortunately, the clouds blocked the final bit of the sunset, but it was still a very nice way to spend the evening.

After hiking down from West Bond I spent some time taking pictures of the Milky Way rising over Mt. Bond. The Pemi Wilderness certainly did not disappoint on this front, and I had a great time capturing it to the best of my ability. After that it was off to bed for some well deserved rest.